It Takes A Village!

It Takes A Village!

Writers often tell me proudly they have a website. Great. Creating a website is the easy part. Getting eyeballs to your website is the hard part. How do you attract attention amid a tsunami of websites?

I don’t care what business you are in, or what you have done, we all need mentors and advocates.

My mother used to say to me: “Too much of anything is no good, except friends!” I will add to that, mentors and advocates. You can’t have too many of those either. But it’s not selfless. There’s something in it for them, too. It’s a win-win situation.

They become as passionate about your project — and subsequently you — because that’s the business they’re in.

They are not the first link in the chain, you are. They can’t exist without material. And you can’t get your material produced without them.

How do you find these people?

With Screenplay Pilot script in hand, there are services you can go to that charge money and promise to get your loglines out, or write query letters for you, or give you coverage and consult on making your script better. Just show them the money!

I am not criticizing them — it’s up to you. If that’s the route you want to take, I’m sure there are some very good ones. But caveat emptor — or as I like to say, caveat scripter — writer beware.

Do you really need them, or can you test the waters on your own and spend the money more judiciously?

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